At the time of writing (October 2003), this book
has not yet
been published. It is supposed to
available from next month. (Update May 2004:
after numerous requests to allow more time for
delivery, is
finally shipping this book;
new review as soon as my copy arrived. / 2nd
update January 2005: have had my copy for a
while now - it is absolutely fantastic! I am plan-
ning to write a more in-depth review as soon
as time permits.)
I am very curious to see in what way this publi-
cation will differ from "Russian Prison
Tattoos". I
will be more than happy if it
is just all the texts
from the latter translated into English...
If you prefer reading Russian, or are a collector
like myself (who just has an urge to buy tattoo
books in languages he/she cannot even decip-
her), you can order Danzig Baldajev's Russian
book from me. For more info / separate review:
On a sidenote: there appear to be no definitive
rules as to how Russian names are written in
our alphabet, that is why you will see Danzig's
surname spelled both Baldajev and Baldayev.